Date: 19th October 2017 at 5:30pm
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Huge Chelsea fan Isabella was diagnosed in 2010 with high risk Neuroblastoma, when she was just 3 ½ years old. She had to endure a gruelling treatment regime but she achieved remission in April 2012, much to her family’s delight.

However, since Isabella’s diagnosis, she has relapsed a further three times, most recently in March. She is now 10 and is being treated with chemotherapy to try and stop the further growth of the tumours.

The next stage for her involves taking part in a UK-based clinical trial. As this trial has no results so far it is not known whether or not this will be successful.

There are however other treatments and Isabella’s family are seeking help further afield in the United States. As this won’t be funded by the NHS, they are looking to raise £200,000 to fly her out for life-saving treatment.

All Chelsea fans can help raise the required funds by heading to the Fundraising Page Here.

If you want to find out more about Isabella’s campaign, head to the Facebook Page Here.


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